
Paramedic-led medical


Evolve provides a paramedic-led medical service at all events, as a minimum. Paramedics can significantly reduce the burden your event has on NHS services. Enquire for more...

Advanced Clinical Assessment

Evolve paramedics can provide a in-depth level of systematic assessment. Ensuring efficient, prompt and safe patient interactions.

Paramedic Equipment & Medicines

Evolve paramedics have access to strong analgesia for traumatic injuries and medications to treat life-threatening medical conditions. They can provide defibrillation and cardiac monitoring.

Patient Clinical Records

Evolve paramedics keep accurate patient clinical records for all interactions. This can be electronic via ePCR or as a paper copy.

Why people believe in us

"Jason and his team provide a brilliant service. Easy to work with, very professional. They offer friendly and expert care to any patients"

Acton Aid

“If you are looking for a high quality company, I highly recommend this one. They are the very best in the field, no compromise.”

Bristol Cathedral

"You guys were fantastic, punctual, friendly and professional - will have no hesitation giving you a shout if we go again next year"



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By Jason Trudgill April 22, 2021
Evolve Medical Services helps to achieve a COVID-19 safe event for everyone.

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