Evolve provides a paramedic-led medical service at all events, as a minimum. Paramedics can significantly reduce the burden your event has on NHS services. Enquire for more...
Evolve paramedics can provide a in-depth level of systematic assessment. Ensuring efficient, prompt and safe patient interactions.
Evolve paramedics have access to strong analgesia for traumatic injuries and medications to treat life-threatening medical conditions. They can provide defibrillation and cardiac monitoring.
Evolve paramedics keep accurate patient clinical records for all interactions. This can be electronic via ePCR or as a paper copy.
"Jason and his team provide a brilliant service. Easy to work with, very professional. They offer friendly and expert care to any patients"
Acton Aid
“If you are looking for a high quality company, I highly recommend this one. They are the very best in the field, no compromise.”
Bristol Cathedral
"You guys were fantastic, punctual, friendly and professional - will have no hesitation giving you a shout if we go again next year"